My experience


My experience rests in understanding and addressing user problems through a combination of in-depth research, collaborative experimentation, appealing narrative, and stakeholder involvement.

I am continuously motivated by the need to see products and their features through the eyes of the user, seeking to enhance their experience by minimizing suffering and enhancing joy.


Leveraging Difference to Create Breakthrough Ideas – Obafemi Geogre

my profession

A skilled product manager who has a wealth of IT industry knowledge. co-founder of Lagos-based, cutting-edge IT startup Slushtech Solutions. a user interface designer, and product owner with Scrum certification. 

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Concept & believe 

My life philosophy is based on the pursuit of diligence and quality in all that I do. My trust in God and commitment to service serve as my spiritual pillars. Furthermore, I am a firm believer in the…

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project & Experience

I handled many successful projects as Slushtech Solutions’ co-founder and creative director. My unique perspective and over a decade in IT have helped me create intuitive user interfaces and meaningful user…

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Family & Friends 

I value close family and friend relationships. These relationships provide support, joy, and personal growth, building community and love. I’m marrying his best friend and business partner, so these personal…

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In the Numbers

12 years of experience

Ongoing Projects
Finished Projects
Satisfied customers
Cross Border Projects

Completed Cases


In the Press

Our Blog

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Can your business become better with new technology?

Almighty, O my friend — but it is too much for my strength — I sink under the weight of the splendour of these visions!

May 2, 2017
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How to Make a Decent Living as a Web Designer

A thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms.

May 1, 2017
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Fun Examples of CSS Imitating Print Design

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring.

April 21, 2015
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We provide solutions to grow your business

Engagement and brand storytelling are at the heart of our approach. We begin each project by considering the customer journey and experience, taking a holistic view of all physical and digital touch points.